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"In Honor Of Their Memory We Endeavor" 

The Soliders to Statesmen Foundation was crated to serve United States miliitary veterans. Such a misssion is in keeping with the examples of our fellow soldiers who sacraficed in the defense of freedom.  The tradition of the nobility of the United States soldier is exemplified by the statment enblasioned on the World War II memorial which justly proclaims that United States soldiers fight over seas not to conqure but to liberate those that are oppressed.  Keeping such noble tradition in mind the foundaiton was in part created to ensure that the victories purchased at extream cost by our fellow soldiers overseas, a cost dispropportionately paid by those that gave their lives in service to such a noble mission is not squandered at home. The first part of ensuring that such victories are not squandered is to ensure that others understand the significance of such sacrafies,  To that end the Soldiers to Statesmen Foundation included in this section a "Remembeance Wall" of those that have falllen in the defense of freedom. If you have someone whose service and sacrafice you would like to share please do not hesitate to contact us with their information. 

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